Hello it is long time since last time I wrote a blog post , I'm Okay and passion to write more and more posts , I'll talk about measuring efficiency of Algorithms . there exist two approaches : using the Concept of bench mark we focus on two aspects : is the output of the program correct ? how much time and resources are needed by the program to produce the correct output? estimate ! DON'T MEASURE , and we will talk about this approach in details in the next sections. discussing approach (bench mark) cost money , resources and time, it used for small problems or execution time relatively small ,this push us - computer scientists not me of course - directly to find a new way , estimation of execution time. we gonna use a new term " Asymptotic Analysis ": Asymptotic analysis is an analytical approach to analyze the running time of the algorithms under the following assumptions : ...
Senior software engineer, my experience is based on applying the software development concepts and tools to serve in different industries especially in the Oil & Gas industry.