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Introduction to Machine Learning

Salmo Aliko .
today I'll write about Machine Learning , it is interesting topic. I put assumption I'm talking to computer since students.
first of all , many of us dreamed to make robot, auto detection for missiles and treat it automatically and many awesome dreams, but we didn't know how achieve it.

let me start with the definition and mentioning some of ML -Machine Learning - applications .
What is Machine Learning? 
 is the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed 
 and if we like mentioning more formal definition it is 
 A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.
application of ML :

  • Computer Vision.
  • Natural Language Processing.
  • Game playing.
  • Market segmentation.
  • Medical Diagnosis.  
  • Stock Market Analysis.
  • Search Engines.
  • Robotics.
One word describing this applications just "awesome".

Machine Learning can be classified into 3 main categories .

  1. Supervised Learning.
  2. Unsupervised Learning.
  3. Reinforcement Learning.
lets talk in brief about each category :
  1. Supervised learning : we have a data set labeled i.e. ( input and correct output ) using this data set given new data not labeled  expected the output is correct for example neural networks.
  2. Unsupervised Learning : you are given a data set not labeled you find appropriate structure then given another data you should output good estimation for example market segmentation.
  3. Reinforcement Learning : you are given data set using Learning algorithms you can judge either the output is right or is wrong and every time the algorithm will learn for example :
  • robot driving car at turning the robot made the angle very acute so he made an accident the learning algorithm will know this is wrong at the next time the angle will not be acute, after many iterations he will know that the right angle is obtuse "Eng Ali Al kahki ".
after that I hope I gave you good intuition about Machine Learning.

if you like this Article share it.

I owned by  a great Thanks to Eng Ali Al Kahki, the person who explained this concepts and the best prof.  I have ever seen prof. Andrew Ng.

Thanks for reading.

Ahmed Ghazey.


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