SA one of my objectives for this article making you curios to know about XML , and make you search the web for more info about it , and i hope do that , lets start. what is XML stand for ? e X tensible M arkup L anguage. it is used to transport data over the internet , you can invent your own tags , no restriction . for example if you want transport data for weather news: < weathernews > < new > < city > Cairo < / city > < max >36< / max > < min > 22 < / min > < / new > < / weathernews > XML consist of main three component : tagged elements. attributes. text. lets see example: < bookstore > < book category="CHILDREN" > < title lang="en" > Harry Potter< /title > < author>J K. Rowling< /author > < year >2005< /year > < price>29.99 < /book > < book category="WEB" > < title lang="en" >Learn...
Senior software engineer, my experience is based on applying the software development concepts and tools to serve in different industries especially in the Oil & Gas industry.