one of my objectives for this article making you curios to know about XML , and make you search the web for more info about it , and i hope do that , lets start.
what is XML stand for ? eXtensible Markup Language.
it is used to transport data over the internet , you can invent your own tags , no restriction .
for example if you want transport data for weather news:
in the previous example we can find :
one of my objectives for this article making you curios to know about XML , and make you search the web for more info about it , and i hope do that , lets start.
what is XML stand for ? eXtensible Markup Language.
it is used to transport data over the internet , you can invent your own tags , no restriction .
for example if you want transport data for weather news:
< weathernews >
< new >
< city > Cairo < / city >
< max >36< / max >
< min > 22 < / min >
< / new >
< / weathernews >
XML consist of main three component :< new >
< city > Cairo < / city >
< max >36< / max >
< min > 22 < / min >
< / new >
< / weathernews >
- tagged elements.
- attributes.
- text.
< bookstore >
< book category="CHILDREN" >
< title lang="en" > Harry Potter< /title >
< author>J K. Rowling< /author >
< year >2005< /year >
< price>29.99 < /price >
< /book >
< book category="WEB" >
< title lang="en" >Learning XML < /title >
< author > Erik T. Ray < /author >
< year > 2003 < /year >
< price > 39.95 < /price >
< / book >
< /bookstore >
< book category="CHILDREN" >
< title lang="en" > Harry Potter< /title >
< author>J K. Rowling< /author >
< year >2005< /year >
< price>29.99 < /price >
< /book >
< book category="WEB" >
< title lang="en" >Learning XML < /title >
< author > Erik T. Ray < /author >
< year > 2003 < /year >
< price > 39.95 < /price >
< / book >
< /bookstore >
in the previous example we can find :
- tagged elements like bookstore , book , year,....etc
- attributes category ="CHILDREN", lang="en"
- Text like HarryPotter ,Erik T. Ray
- tags are case sensitive .
- tags must be closed .
- document must have one root element in the first example the root element was < weatherNews > in the second example the root element was < bookstore >.
- XML attribute must be quoted for example : lang="en" .
well formed XML must adheres the previous rules.
after you read my short tutorial I hope you now curios to know more and more .
if you like plz follow this tutorial it is good enough to start .