Hash tables (I)
A hash table is a data Structure that offer very fast insertion and search sometimes deletion almost in O( 1) in the best cases.
databaseArray[totalEmployees++] = newRecord;
to be continued isA soon , i have to go to the Army in the next few hours .
i hope you are interested now to read about hashing .
with my best wishes
Ahmed Ghazey
resource : Data Structures & Algorithms in Java Second Edition
Robert Lafore
O( 1) means few machine instructions to finish the operationAdvantages of Hash Tables :
- fast
- easy to code
- based on Array (Array is fixed length data structure)
- performance may be degraded catastrophically when the table is full.
- no convenient way to visit item n hash table.
- hashing means convert range of key values into range of Array index.
for example :
suppose you are writing a program to access employee records in small company say 1000 employees .
requirement :
requirement :
- database used one mega byte
- fastest access to any individual record
- employees are seldom laid off and even happen their records still exist.
we can use an Array fixed size , size of 1000 record , every array record contain employee object , since we know accessing specified array element is very fast , when we know its index.
empRecord rec = databaseArray[500];
here is basic idea of hashing an easy way to find the index .
adding new record is easy too :
databaseArray[totalEmployees++] = newRecord;
as you know maximize array size is not an easy task since it require allocate new memory space and recopy the old one , we can made the database array more larger.
i hope you are interested now to read about hashing .
with my best wishes
Ahmed Ghazey
resource : Data Structures & Algorithms in Java Second Edition
Robert Lafore
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