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5 Steps To Be in The Top 50 List

Hi , Um Ahmed Ghazey :D , I was Student in Faculty of Computers and Information Cairo Univ. for a while, in my first year in the faculty I had been failed in One subject out of 12 it was Math I , the matter really was a strange , I used to success with high grade , how I could tell my parents with the grade , no way I hided the matter about a month until my father asked me" what you did in the exams ?" I have no chance to lie , I told him the fact , i felt sorry for the shock , but i decided to win all my battles against the faculty not surrender for the routine.

the story began from here , how can I enter the Top Fifty List , I must follow successful students steps , i started asking them about many things, and here is the conclusion of my questionnaire  :

Step #1  Select Good Friends ( Team )
Teamwork is the ability to work as a group toward a common vision, even if that vision becomes extremely blurry.  ~Author Unknown
the most important thing in your team is :

  • common vision .
  • common goal .
  • Noble ethics. 
the best functionality of team work is :

 Teamwork divides the task and multiplies the success.  ~Author Unknown
 the video is one of the most inspirational talks I have ever heard about team work :

Step #2 attend your Lectures 

fight for knowledge , don't let the PhD s consider you well understand , if you don't understand ask then ask then ask , don't feel shame if you ask many times in every lecture, you will find some colleagues, demanding shut up don't ask , neglect them and continue .

Step #3 attend your Labs 

as I told you fight for knowledge in lectures , here fight for Skills , lab the best candidate places to get Skills , ask the responsible Engineer , to help you if you get stuck , try and fail , try and fail ....... etc finally you will success , don't let them stole your dreams or your future, self confidence is the key of developing your skills you are able to do any thing if you want.

Step #4 Midterm exams 

if you succeeded in the 2 previous steps , this step is done, if not you have to compress your time and Study more and more, my recommendation don't do that. finish your work before exams, target of midterm get the final score, by the way this midterm tests your knowledge.

Step #5 Term project 

it is time to have some fun , coding , solving problem and increasing your skills is such an awesome things it depends mainly on 3rd Step , here is the rock where most of teams crashed, teams crashed here because no routines in work , random access , miss match problems , pass this step and I ensure you bright future.

#Finally if you do the previous Steps I ensure you will enter the top Fifty list , but the question here what is our  aim entering the top fifty list even if we aren't good Engineers ? or be a good Engineer to enter the top fifty list  ?   .

a matter of fact if you are a good Engineer you will enter the top fifty list , may be you  are not good engineer but you follow some damn routines and you also can enter the list, entering the list is not hard and not easy too .

in our faculty there exist a great battle between knowledge and Skills , I feel sorry to announce the skills has been defeated many times by  a fake knowledge!!!

Finally be the Best nor for yourselves neither your families but for your nations   ,,,,,,

Ahmed Ghazey.

sry for spelling errors :) , i dun revise any post.


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